Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hsiao Busch

Hsiao is from Taiwan, a small tropical island in the Pacific. She has had an interest in art since she was young, and while working in Taiwan as an elementary teacher she had a desire to pursue her interest. She came to IUP for her MFA and to get accreditation in Art Education and now teaches elementary art in Apollo Ridge. 
Her mediums are mainly watercolor and oil paints, because she enjoys the different processes and results. Hsiao is inspired by random objects and landscapes that surround her daily life. " To me, life is accumulated fragments of moments, events, experiences, and memories."

Fields #2

Hsiao has a soft, naturalistic approach to her subject matter. Her works in the gallery are no larger than 16x13 , yet the capture the eye. Her treatment of light and shadow creates depth and adds a softness to her landscapes. Her paintings of objects are extremely intimate and are smaller than her landscapes. Look for them in the gallery, its like finding buried treasure.

Bird's Nest


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